We still can’t believe that, as a family, we have the opportunity to serve God at Coquitlam Christ Church of China.
Yes, that’s the mentality of myself and my wife. We are (from left to right) Mark, Matias, Mikayla, Cindy, and Tobias for those who don't know us yet. Our family is pretty crazy at home, well, everywhere else as well. As a tribe, we really enjoy time outside, especially at parks, beaches, and the kids love the water park! Tobias has just learned how to bike, Matias is cruising on his balance bike, and Mikayla pushes away on her scooter. My wife Cindy enjoys hanging around children as well. She is a trained Early Childhood Educator, and she runs a preschool and a school-age program. I am geared more towards going to the gym and hitting some weights, music, and I love video games!
We thank God that He has moved mountains in bringing us to CCCC. In the midst of this miracle, our Living God has given me a vision – to make disciples in the name of Jesus Christ. Simple as that. Nothing more and nothing fancy. Second, as I look to Jesus as the greatest example of a servant’s heart – come to serve and not to be served. The vision and attitude are the two cornerstones as we partake in God’s story and redemptive plan for the Coquitlam Christ Church of China. As brothers and sisters and friends of this community, I pray that we support one another and become what the Apostle Paul urges us to do. Paul writes,
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” – Romans 12:1
In Christ who gives me strength,
Mark Wong
English Ministry Director